Tuesday, 27 May 2014

Using sxstrace.exe


For windows users that is working on multiple platform/machines, i.e. creating and using library might sometimes get error which suggest the use of sxstrace.exe.

The file sxstrace.exe is used to execute service Sxs Tracing Tool for processes svchost.exe and wermgr.exe, and support device drivers in computer OQO.

How to use it:-

Open command prompt as administrator. 

run command:-  sxstrace.exe Trace -logfile:test123.log

Now Run your program.
Run your binaries (either directly from explorer or open another command prompt to run the same) and click OK when you get your error message.

Press Enter key in the command prompt to stop the trace.

once completed, it generates a cryptic file in C:\windows\system32, test123.log.

The log file is generated, test123.log in a binary formatted file. 
Now this needs to be converted to  text format. Run the following command:

C:\> sxstrace.exe Parse -logfile:test123.log -outfile:test.txt

Open test.text file and you will get the needed info there.

Sunday, 27 April 2014

VMware and its possible issues..

An error caused the resume operation to fail. Preserve the suspended state and correct the error, or discard the suspended state.`

This issue may occur when the VMware virtual machine is put to suspended state while your machine is shutting down.

To remove the suspend state from the virtual machine:
  1. Close VMware Workstation.
  2. Locate the virtual machine's folder. 
  3. Delete the .VMSS and .LCK, files.
  4. Open the .vmx (virtual machine configuration) file in a text editor. For more information, see  Editing the .vmx file of a VMware Workstation and VMware Player virtual machine (2057902)
  5. Find the line which starts with:

  6. Remove everything between the quotation marks. It should look like:

    checkpoint.vmState = ""
  7. Save and close the .vmx file.
Warning: Deleting the suspend state has the same effect as performing a hard reset of the virtual machine, or pushing the Reset button on a physical computer, in that any unsaved data in open applications is lost.

 Unable to start the VM with the following error:-  The VMWare Authorization service is not running.

Solution:-  Go to services by typing services.msc in run panel and press enter. Restart VMWare Authorization Service and try again.